Our Mission
To Support Northern California community needs in the areas
of education and environmental awareness.
"I am dreaming of - and working toward - an education and
training system that will allow all our young people to be
independent and self supporting at the end of their high
school years. These young people will be sufficiently
grounded in language, mathematics, science and economics
to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that will be
available... They will believe in themselves, their country and
the opportunities it makes possible." - Robert Severns,
Submission Deadlines
At this time, Letters of Inquiry (LOI) are being accepted by
invitation only. If you have previously been approved for a
grant with us, you may skip the LOI and submit a Full
Proposal at any time.
Submission Guidelines
Solar for Schools
If you're a small school looking to
help the environment, reduce costs,
and educate your students on
renewable energy, we may be able
to help. Click below to learn more
about our Solar for Schools pilot
Letters of Inquiry
Invited applicants are required to
submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
briefly describing the project before
submitting a full proposal. LOI's will
be acknowledged shortly after
Supporting education with
a focus on early literacy